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            News&Tender Announcements

            Tianhai Group won the "Top Ten Most Respected Employer Brands in 2022"

            Release Date:14/09/2022

            On September 9, 2022, with the theme of "Towards the First", the 6th Entrepreneur-Principals Festival jointly hosted by Action Education and Action Education Global Alumni Association was held in Shanghai and broadcast live globally. Tens of thousands of enterprises The participants participated in this grand event online, and Tianhai Group was invited to participate in the event.

            The Entrepreneur Principal's Day is an annual holiday event tailored by Action Education for entrepreneurs. It has been successfully held for five sessions. The purpose of this event is to focus on theme-based learning, and join hands with famous teachers and professionals, to interpret the development of the times, industry trends, and corporate governance from the macro, meso, and micro perspectives. The conference invited experts and scholars such as David Ulrich, the "Father of Global Human Resource Management", Deng Delong, the " No. Leading the way of "towards the first" dimension upgrade .

            "Father of Global Human Resource Management" David Ulrich Conference Connection

            In order to encourage enterprises with achievements and missions in "Talent Prosperity", help enterprises enhance their competitive advantages, attract high-quality talents, and increase brand image, this conference specially set up the annual "Top Ten Most Respected Employer Brands". After rigorous selection by the review committee, Tianhai Group stood out from many companies and won this important honor. Ding Yuanqi, vice president of Tianhai Group, took the stage to accept the award.

            Founded in 1969, Tianhai Group is a powerful research and production enterprise of automotive connectors and a research and development and production enterprise of emerging automotive electronic products. Over the past 53 years, Tianhai Group has always been adhering to the talent strategy of "prioritizing the development of talents, paying equal attention to training and introduction", adhering to the talent concept of "taking talents as the guide and striving for the foundation", and carrying out talent management around the "334 model".

            In terms of practice, Tianhai has established a career development system . There is an employee quality model for entry , professional qualification standards for career development, talent standards and echelon standards for entering the talent pool, and a leadership model for cadre training; employee satisfaction system , twice a year for employees Satisfaction survey, formulate employee care plan; corporate culture system , designate June 28th as the "Science and Technology Innovation Festival" every year, hold celebrations to commend advanced, pay attention to daily evaluation work construction, set up various activities and honorary titles, Encourage advanced groups and individuals that play a role in promoting the development of various tasks in the development of the enterprise, take multiple measures to stimulate the motivation of employees, and help Tianhai Group achieve high-quality development and the goal of "ten billion"!

            Prosperous enterprises, talent-oriented. This honor is a new starting point for the career development project of Tianhai employees. Tianhai Group will continue to make efforts to provide a larger career development platform for Tianhai people and create safety, health, happiness and happiness.

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