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            Development History

            • 2015 - Now

              High-Quality Development Stage

            • 2007 - 2014

              Take-off Stage

            • 1986 - 2006

              Development Stage

            • 1969 - 1983

              Entrepreneur Stage

            • In 2023

              Dec. 28th The first session of the first staff congress of Tianhai Auto Electronics Group Co., Ltd. as held in the auditorium of the group headquarters.

              Nov.23th THB released a series of self-developed automotive Ethernet connectors, which were successfully shortlisted for the 2023 Automotive Electronics Innovation Week "Innovation-driven, Demonstration First" list.

              Nov.10th The project "Key Technology and Industrialization of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Transmission System" was successfully selected as the 2023 Outstanding Innovation Achievement of China's Automotive Supply Chain.

              Jun. Under the witness of representatives of important customers such as FAW, SAIC, and NIO, THB 50 million sets of automotive electrical boxes were successfully rolled off the assembly line.

              Apr. The sky is high and the sea is wide, and the joint force is upward. At the 2023 THB Group Core Supplier Conference, 18 core supplier partners from all over the world gathered in Tianhai to review the cooperation process, discuss industry changes, and share development ideas.

              Mar. THB Changchun was grandly opened, forming production capacity synergy with THB Liaoning and THB Harbin, fully covering the Northeast region and improving the company's production capacity as a whole.

            • In 2022

              Nov. ‘Tianhai High-end Wiring Harness Industrial Park’ was fully completed and put into operation.

              Apr. ‘the Henan Province New Energy and Intelligent Networked Automotive Electronics and Electrical Industry Research Institute’ led by Tianhai was officially launched.

            • In 2021

              Dec. Tianhai won the 2018-2019 Henan Governor Quality Award.

              Mar. Guangzhou Industrial Control Holdings Tianhai Electronics, starting a new journey of high-quality development.

            • In 2018

              Mar. Tianhai Industrial Park was completed and put into operation, and the on-board high-speed wiring harness business was laid out.

            • In 2017

              Jun. Tianhai Auto Electronics Group Co., Ltd. founding meeting.

            • In 2015

              ‘Tianhai International High-end Wire Harness Export Industrial Park’ was completed and put into operation.

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